Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Information of Indonesia


There are 583 languages and dialects spoken by the people of Indonesia and
divided into number of ethnic groups.

Number of specific local dialects amongst other thing is Aceh, Batak, Sunda, Java,
Sasak, Timor, Dayak, Minahasa, Toraja, Bugis, Halmahera, Ambon, Seram, and Irian language.

The national language of Indonesian is Indonesian language that is mostly
similar to Malay language.


Currency unit of Indonesian Rupiah is also called as IDR.

Information on daily exchange rate can be found in newspapers.

Rupiah currency and Dollar are the most acceptable currencies.

Most of tourism resorts have money changer facilities, but when traveling to remote areas; it is highly recommended to change money and clear check.

Credit cards are only acceptable in big hotels, restaurants and traveling agent.


Climate in Indonesia is categorized into tropical climate.

The seasons consist of rainy and dry season along the year.

East season wind blows on June to September and brings about dry climate.

In the meantime west season wind occurs on December to March bringing about rainy season.

The change of two seasons intervened with hard rain.

The hardest rain usually occurs on December and January with general humidity is 75% and 100%.

Time Zones

Time in Indonesia is GMT plus seven hours or sixteen hours ahead of the US Pacific time standard.

Indonesia time is divided into three time zones:

namely, western Indonesian time covering Sumatera Island, Java, and Madura, West Kalimantan
and Central Kalimantan is GMT time plus seven hours;

Central Indonesia Time covers East and South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, and
Nusa Tenggara is GMT time plus eight hours.

Last in Eastern Indonesia Time covers Maluku and Irian Jaya, is GMT time plus nine hours.


Electric power supply is usually about 220 volts/ 250 circle in big cities,
but 110 volt is still used in number of regions.

In general, rounded-end stacker with two pins is usually used.


Referring to estimation on July 2008, total population of Indonesia
is 237,512,352 people.

In Indonesia, there are hundreds ethnic groups, either small groups or large groups regarding to its members.

Largest ethnic groups in Indonesia are such as Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Malay, Balinese,
Minang, Batak, Dayak, Bugis, and Chinese.

Because of its multiethnic factors, physically, Indonesian people become
vary depending on its ethnic groups.

Flora & Fauna

A British scientist named A. R. Wallace created an imaginary line,
which was then named as Wallace line dividing Asia and Australia fauna.

This line overtakes Malay Island, between Kalimantan and Sulawesi;
and between Bali (in the west) and Lombok (in the east).

Theory that the Wallace presented explains the existence of fauna
species in Indonesia is similar with those in Asia and Australia.

However, Indonesia also has its original fauna
like Orang Utan in Sumatera and Kalimantan,
giant lizard or Komodo at Komodo Island, rhinos in Java,
Wild ox, Tiger, and other protected species.

Dos and Don’ts

When visiting Indonesia, visitors should observe local traditions and attitudes.

Number of traditions and attitudes is:
Though shake hand is generally accepted in social intercourse between man and woman,
but number of Moslem women introduces themselves to men by nodding their head and smiling.

Greeting traditionally is shake hand by two hands,
but without holding in grasp.

Make a phone call before a visit is polite maters.

Shoes must be taken off before entering house
or house of worship.

In general, drink is offered to guest when visiting,
receiving the drink is polite matters.

Right hand is always used when eating, receiving something, or giving something.

Right index finger should not be used to appoint a place, goods or person.

Use the right hand thumb with four other fingers folded back.

Taking photographs at house of worships is allowed,
but permit to do so should be obtained first.

Toast is not generally accepted.

Most of Indonesian Moslems does not
consume alcoholic drinks.

Banking Hours

Normally, bank office hour is from 8 am to 3.00 pm from Monday to Friday.

But, number of banks opens their branches in hotel for longer office hour.

Jakarta has several international banks, but money can be exchanged in hotel cashier and at official money changers.

Office Hours

Office hour is started from 8 am to 4 pm, or at 9 am to 5 pm, with resting time for lunch between 12 noon to 1 pm.

Office is usually closed on Saturday.

Government office hour is from 8 am to 4 pm and from Monday to Friday, Saturday is holiday.

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